The 'P' Factor: How Optus reshapped the future of digital shopping experience.

Optus in partnership with frog
Optus has consistently sought ways to enhance customer experience and retention in a highly competitive market.

Optus, as the second-largest telecommunications company in Australia, has been a key player in providing a range of services including mobile plans, broadband, and television.

Spring program 2016

Optus, known for its extensive network coverage and innovative service offerings, Optus initiated Spring program in 2016 to focus on social innovation and scaling impact. One of the key are is branding refresh and digital experience enhancement for optus customers. This likely involved redesigning and improving the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) of Optus's digital platforms, such as mobile apps and online portals, making them more user-friendly, intuitive, and aligned with the latest design trends.

Project genesis

Recognizing these industry trends and customer expectations, Optus initiated a project to overhaul its digital shopping experience, particularly focusing on mobile plans and services. This project was not just about a digital transformation; it was about reimagining the customer journey in the context of the latest user experience (UX) trends and technological capabilities.

Collaboration with Frog

To achieve this, Optus partnered with Frog, a renowned global design firm known for its expertise in creating user-centric design solutions. This partnership was aimed at leveraging Frog's design acumen to build a digital experience that was not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally superior, ensuring a smooth and engaging journey for customers exploring and purchasing mobile plans and services.

The challenge

The challenge for Optus in enhancing its digital shopping experience lies in effectively balancing the complexity of telecom services with user-friendly, personalized, and seamless multi-platform accessibility, while maintaining customer trust and meeting diverse user needs.


To enchance the digital shopping experience for Optus services and products, particularly in the realm of telecom offerings like mobile plans, broadband, and other related services.

Understanding the telecom market landscape

In conducting their research and analysis, we undertook the following steps in the past to enhance its digital shopping experience:

  • Competitor analysis: The team evaluated the digital strategies of other telecom companies, understanding their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Industry trends: The team stayed informed about the latest trends in telecom and digital user experiences, including emerging technologies and customer preferences.
  • Surveys and feedback: We gathered data directly from customers through surveys, feedback forms, and reviews. This provided insights into what customers valued and their pain points.
  • Emerging technologies: We explored emerging technologies like AI, VR/AR, and chatbots that could enhance the digital shopping experience.
  • Purchase patterns: The company studied the purchase patterns and journeys of customers to understand how they decided on services and plans.
  • Demographic segmentation: We understood the various demographic segments of their customer base and their unique needs and preferences.
  • Best practices: We identified best practices in the digital shopping experience within and outside the telecom industry.

This comprehensive research and analysis provided Optus with a solid foundation to enhance its digital shopping experience, aligning it with market demands and customer expectations.

Design strategy

Optus collaborated with Frog to craft a design strategy aimed at enhancing its digital shopping experience, particularly for mobile plans and services. This collaboration started with a user-centered design approach, where they conducted in-depth user research to understand customer needs and preferences. Based on this research, they developed detailed personas and user journey maps, ensuring the design was finely tuned to user requirements.

At the core of this strategy was the simplification of the selection process. Optus organized mobile devices and plans into clear, intuitive categories, facilitating easy navigation for customers. They also implemented comparison tools that allowed customers to effortlessly compare different devices and plans side-by-side, aiding in informed decision-making.

The integration of devices and plans was seamless.

Comprehensive product information was another critical element. Optus provided detailed descriptions of devices and postpaid plan features, benefits, and terms.

Customers could easily bundle devices with compatible postpaid plans, and there were options for real-time plan customization, allowing adjustments to data, call, and text allowances. The user interface was designed to be responsive and optimized for all devices, particularly mobile phones, with clear calls-to-action guiding customers through the selection and purchase process.

Transparency in pricing and policies was a key focus.

The team ensured that pricing, including any upfront costs, monthly fees, and contract terms, was clearly displayed. They also provided easy access to information on return policies, warranty details, and contract specifics.

The checkout process was streamlined for efficiency, with minimal steps and a variety of payment methods to cater to different customer preferences. Post-purchase support was also emphasized, with an easy activation process for postpaid plans and devices and accessible customer support through various channels.

Finally, Optus committed to continuous improvement through a feedback loop, collecting and analyzing customer feedback, and regularly conducting A/B testing to refine user interface elements and the overall shopping experience. This comprehensive and thoughtful approach ensured that the digital shopping journey for mobile devices and postpaid plans at Optus was not just a transaction but a satisfying and engaging experience for customers.

Ideation for "P" experience

The "P" shopping experience concept appears to focus on streamlining the user journey from exploration to purchase, or enabling a direct shopping experience. Here's how it could be structured:

Explore to Shop:

  • Discovery: Users start by exploring available services or products.
  • Information: Detailed information, comparisons, and recommendations guide the user.
  • Decision making: Tools like reviews, ratings, and FAQs aid in decision-making.
  • Transition to purchase: A seamless shift from exploration to the shopping cart or checkout.

Direct Shop:

  • Quick access to shop: For returning users or specific purchases, provide a direct path to shopping.
  • Minimal steps: Reducing the number of steps to purchase.
  • Efficient checkout: Streamlined checkout process with saved payment and shipping details.

Both paths designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient, enhancing the overall shopping experience in the "P" structure.


In the implementation phase of enhancing the digital shopping experience, we took meticulous steps to ensure the successful realization of their design strategy.

A critical component of this phase was the creation of Detailed Design Documentation (DDD). This documentation served as the blueprint for the project, encompassing comprehensive descriptions of all used components and their interactions, complete with annotations. It provided clear guidelines on how each component functioned within the ecosystem, ensuring consistency and coherence in the implementation process.

Simultaneously, the frog team developed a comprehensive style guide. This guide was pivotal in maintaining visual and functional consistency across the digital shopping platform. It outlined the design principles, typography, color schemes, iconography, and other visual elements, ensuring that every aspect of the user interface aligned with Optus's brand identity and the overall aesthetic vision.

The style guide became a reference point for both current and future development, ensuring that any additions or modifications to the platform remained consistent with the established design language.

The combination of Detailed Design Documentation and the style guide played a crucial role in the implementation phase. These documents not only provided a roadmap for developers and designers but also ensured that the end product was a true reflection of the initial design intent.

By adhering to these comprehensive guides, Optus was able to efficiently execute the design strategy, translating complex concepts into a user-friendly, engaging, and cohesive digital shopping experience for their customers.


Following the rollout, there was a noticeable increase in customer engagement and satisfaction, evidenced by longer session durations and positive feedback on the platform's ease of use and intuitive navigation.

The detailed design documentation and style guide ensured a consistent and appealing user interface, which translated into higher user retention rates and an increase in the conversion rate for mobile device and postpaid plan purchases.

The incorporation of interactive elements and clear, comprehensive product information resulted in a lower rate of cart abandonment and increased customer trust in the brand. Overall, these enhancements led to a more robust digital presence for Optus, solidifying its position as a customer-centric and innovative player in the telecommunications market.


The conclusion of Optus's initiative to enhance its digital shopping experience underscores the significant impact of thoughtful and user-centric design in the telecommunications sector. Frog being as design partner took the design strategy that focused on intuitive navigation, personalized user experiences, and a responsive, visually appealing interface, Optus not only improved customer engagement and satisfaction but also strengthened its market position.

The detailed design documentation and style guide were instrumental in achieving a cohesive and brand-aligned user experience. The positive outcomes, such as increased user retention, higher conversion rates, and reduced cart abandonment, highlight the efficacy of the project. This initiative demonstrates how leveraging design and technology to meet customer needs can lead to substantial business benefits, including enhanced brand loyalty and a competitive edge in the industry.

Optus's success in this endeavor serves as a testament to the value of investing in customer-centric digital innovations.